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The Protected Forest / What You Can Do /

Save Energy

  • Bike instead of taking the car. It will reduce the pollution in the air and you will become more physically fit.
  • Use a ceiling fan instead of air conditioning. 16% of the US's energy is spent powering air conditioning. You will save money, and you will need to turn on the air conditioning less often.
  • Eat less meat. This is supported by a simple ecological concept that states "the greater the number of feeding levels between consumers and primary producers, the smaller the amount of energy that is available to the consumers compared to the energy originally captured by the primary producers." This is because some of the energy is lost when the intermediate feeding levels use it to support themselves. Basically, if everyone in the world ate the American diet of 260 pounds of meat yearly, farmers would need to grow three times as much grain! By eating less meat, you reduce your risk of heart disease and various diseases spread by meat while simultaneously saving the earth.
  • Use the library rather than buying books. A library generally saves 10000 pounds of paper, and you will save money too. Most of the time, you will probably read a novel only once or twice anyway.
  • Dry your clothes outside. You will save energy and money and they will have a fresh smell.
  • Use ladybugs rather than pesticides. People spend, on average, $30 billion annually on pesticides, but ladybugs are worth much more. They devour harmful insects while leaving the beneficial ones that pollinate 90% of the world's flowers, like butterflies and bees, that are normally killed by pesticides. Ladybugs also leave the groundwater unpoisoned, and they are not made of toxic chemicals.
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