Breathing is one of the most important functions of the body. The
inhalation of oxygen creates the beginning of an exchange as the
gas moves into the millions of alveoli in the lungs, then on to
the blood in the surrounding capillaries where it moves carbon dioxide
from the blood to the alveoli. Breathing is, in most case, automatic.
The brain and small sensory organs signal when oxygen levels are
too low or carbon dioxide levels are too high. In response to this
signal, the brain increases the speed and depth of breathing.
Deep breathing exercises have been used for years as a way of relaxing
the body. Anyone who has ever noticed how an infant's abdomen rises
and falls with each breath has experienced the art of proper deep
breathing. Most adults today tend to fill only the upper chest when
they breathe and thus miss how the increased oxygen intake relieves
tension and improves metal alertness. By employing some of the more
popular deep breathing exercises listed below you can strengthen
the lungs, relieve bronchitis, improve circulation, oxygenate the
blood and minimize the reoccurrence of respiratory ailments.
Lying face down, slowly raise your head and upper torso using hands
flat against the floor. Continue to rise slowly until you are looking
at the ceiling and do not allow your body to sag. As you rise, breathe
in deeply through your nose, then release the breath through your
teeth as you lower your body back to the floor. Begin by doing this
exercise five times daily and work upward.
Before you rise in the morning, lie on your back and take five
slow deep breaths. Breath in through your nose and exhale through
your mouth. Be aware of your abdomen and make sure your are inhaling
sufficient oxygen to raise this area. Rest for a moment when you
are finished. This exercise will increase your energy by oxygenating
the blood.
Another wonderful deep breathing exercise to relieve stress can
be done in any location. Sitting straight in a chair, place one
hand on your abdomen and breathe in deeply through your nose counting
to ten. Hold the breath for a count of five and then release slowly
through your mouth to a count of ten. While you are holding the
breath, focus on your abdomen to ensure it is extended as far as
you can comfortably extend it. It is good to start with five of
these exercises, but even two will have an immediate affect.
For panic attacks take five to ten slow, deep breathes in through
your nose and release through your mouth. This will allow you to
gain control of your body and relax the body's arousal. To relieve
hiccups exhale slowly into a paper bag and then slowly inhale. This
exercise should be done at least five times. The carbon dioxide
you are re-breathing plays an important role in curing hiccups.
Breathe through your nose to relieve a dry mouth.