Greenhouse Effect
There is much more bad weather to come. The floods in England and the
catastrophes in other countries are just the beginning of what the world
is waiting for, if something isn't done fast. The warmup of the Earth
is going faster every day. The climate is becoming worse. You can see
by the many cloud-bursts, hurricanes, landslides, avalanches, floods and
disastrous droughts.
In thousand years the warmup hasn't gone as fast as now. The nineties
were the hottest ten years of the last century, 1998 as the hottest. Glaciers
and icing caps are melting and the north pole is crumbling away alarmingly
fast. In this century the average temperature on Earth could increase
with 6 degrees Celsius. That might make the climate run crazy and cause
a chain reaction of disasters.
It has been established that there is a world wide climate change going
on, who needs measures to reduce the amount of gasses in the atmosphere.
The British cabinet has finally gotten to the point where they are ready
to admit that the floods in England are partly caused by the greenhouse
effect. More and more people are starting to realize that their own existence,
future and posterity is in danger. In 2025 half of the world population
will be living in a high risk zone. "That we're just going on and on,
that is the worst part," so the Jewish philosopher Walter Benjamin said
before the war. "The industry is going on like there's nothing wrong.
High petrol prices are hardly influencing the driving behavior of humans.
While the disasters are everywhere around us. It's not after us, but with
us." The US is contributing 24% of the greenhouse gasses. Of the 400 million
cars in the world, 80% are in the rich countries. But also the poor countries
are told to be careful with energy.There will have to be a radical change
in the thinking and acting of human beings.
In the meantime, the water keeps on rising.